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Fortunately all players went via LOWER North East Road thus arriving on time. With all players donning the new cream jumpers OSCA B’s certainly looked the plump movies part albeit resembling a 1920’s Australian touring team. In fact, Allan ‘first change’ Miller could have been mistaken for Warwick ‘Big Ship’ Armstrong in his new long sleeve XXXL jumper. The Hope Valley opening pair started well in the slightly overcast conditions until Chris ‘Mimi’ Rogers claimed the first of what plump movies would be 6 LBW decisions to have Hope Valley 1/44. Enter Allan ‘Funky’ Miller who turned back the plump movies clock to his early 30’s (and maybe his waistline) to decimate Hope Valley’s top order and within a matter of moments the opposition were 3/49. This started a great bowling partnership between Miller and Rogers who bowled an amazing 42 out of 53 overs between them. Miller finished with the impressive figures of 23 overs, 9 maidens, 5/37 and Chris Rogers chimed in with 2/47 from 19.
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