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Hate “Max! How could you put that site up and not hook up with at least one girl through it? That’s weak.” Tucker “I don’t know; there have been some crazies emailing me.” Hate “When has that stopped you in the past?” SlingBlade “This is opposed to the crazies that you pick up in bars?” PWJ “Dude, you can’t put this thing up and never go on a date or hook up from it. You have fat chick to. At least fat chick one girl.” Tucker “Fine. Might as well. What’s the worst fat chick that could happen??” Hate “OH YEAH! That line of thought always does well for you Max!” I ended up not only promising my friends that I’d go out on a date with a girl I met through the site, I promised that I’d do my very best to hook up with one. So of course, as soon as I make this promise, I get no applications from any girls near the Durham, NC area. I know this sounds ridiculous now, as I get daily propositions from girls, but you have to remember that back when the site started it was almost totally unknown outside my circle of friends.