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When was the last time a girl was better looking than her INTERNET DATING PICTURE?” Tucker “Well, she does have a cute face. You can’t fake that.” El Bingeroso “This is not going to end well.” Hate “Max, just when I think you’ve tapped out, you find low fat cholesterol diet a whole new way to fuck up!” Tucker “Fuck you. I hope all of your children have birth defects.” I agreed to meet Fat Girl low fat cholesterol diet at a bar in Durham, The James Joyce. I flatly refused to tell any of my friends where low fat cholesterol diet we were meeting, and made them promise not to come looking for me, in case she turned out to be morbidly obese, as opposed to just normal fat, like in her picture. Like an IDIOT, I didn’t think about extracting promises for what would happen after the date. A rookie mistake that will haunt me my entire life. Fat Girl was there when I got there, and looked pretty much exactly like she did in the picture--fat.