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The first few times I heard someone call me beautiful it didn't even occur horse cum to me that they just might be sincere. It had never occurred to me that I could be beautiful. Then I discovered feminism. Body-hair enriched, political-jargon clogged, liberal angry-white-suburban-girl feminism; but feminism nonetheless. I had finally found a forum where loud brash intelligent girls could shoot their mouths off and be encouraged for it. horse cum And in feminism I found me - or horse cum at least a sketch of me. I was not disabled by my belly or a criminal because of my thighs. It was really OK to be full, to be strong, to be solid. I was amazed by these thoughts, enraptured. I bought fat-girl clothes and fat-girl publications, went to fat-girl dances and hung out with fat-girls. One day I was walking along with a friend shooting my mouth off about the pervasive, disenfranchising, patriarchal culture of thin when we came across this sign: WANTED Models for art classes My friend, also a feminist and tired of my rant, turned to me and said, " Well, Teri, this is your chance.